Job Details

Job: Bursary Programme

Company: ASSET

Location: Western Cape, South Africa

Date Posted: 23-7-2024

Job Image

The ASSET Bursary Application 2025 requires applicants to submit a certified copy of their ID document, 2024 mid-year results from their tertiary institution or high school, full academic transcripts for 2nd/3rd/final year students, proof of household income (latest payslips if employed, affidavit if unemployed, pension advice if on pension, proof of SASSA grant if receiving a social grant), motivational letter to support the application, and one contactable reference. For renewal applicants, the same documents must be submitted via email to or post or hand delivery to the Bursary Department at the Association for Educational Transformation (ASSET). The application process is open to all applicants, regardless of their school principal's affiliation. The deadline for submission is September 1, 2023.