Job Details

Job: Automation Tester

Company: Zensar

Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Date Posted: 4-9-2024

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Automation testers need a solid understanding of programming languages such as Java, Python, SQL, C#, and VB script to write clean and maintainable code. They should be proficient in automation tools and test script development, such as Playwright, Selenium, Specflow, or Cypress. Testers should have a strong foundation in testing skills, including test design, execution, reporting, and management. They should be able to identify suitable test scenarios and cases for automation and manual testing, and apply different types of testing. Automation testers should be familiar with agile methodologies, DevOps practices, and continuous delivery principles. They should be able to automate test cases, integrate automated tests with continuous integration tools, and contribute to the overall DevOps process. They should also be familiar with cloud computing databases and technologies, CI/CD processes, and pipeline tools. Functional testing skills are essential for automation testers, as they must be well-versed in manual testing processes, test techniques, and the software testing life cycle (STLC). Domain knowledge related to the application being tested is beneficial for understanding business requirements and designing accurate test scripts.