Job Details

Job: Full Stack Developer

Company: PWC

Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Date Posted: 4-9-2024

Job Image

A full-stack developer is responsible for developing, testing, and deploying high-quality web applications using Angular for the front-end, Node for Orchestration,.net for the backend, and SQL for the data layer. They must work closely with cross-functional teams, adhere to coding standards, and prioritize secure and compliance standards. The role involves collaborating with cross-functional teams, ensuring seamless integration and alignment with business objectives. Code quality and best practices are prioritized, and the system design and architecture are contributed to for robust, secure, and efficient systems. Problem-solving and debugging are performed to diagnose and resolve complex technical issues across various layers of the application stack. Performance optimization is optimized to deliver high-performing solutions. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are implemented to streamline the deployment process. Comprehensive documentation is maintained for all developed systems, including technical specifications, API documentation, and user guides. Security and compliance are ensured, mitigating risks and protecting sensitive data. Mentorship and knowledge sharing are provided to junior developers, fostering a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing within the team.