Job Details

Job: ICT Bursary

Company: Network Configurations

Location: South Africa (TBC)

Date Posted: 15-5-2024

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Outstanding individuals are driven by innovation. If you believe you possess the qualities to secure this bursary, we require the following from you: a compelling letter explaining why you are a deserving candidate, a certified copy of your ID, and your acceptance letter from an accredited tertiary institution. This letter should specify full registration, tuition, examination fees, and the course duration for both first-year and returning students, including qualification and academic year details. Additionally, returning students need to provide a statement of account and a quotation from their institution, while first-year student applicants should submit a detailed quotation from the Higher Education Institution. First-year student applicants must also include certified copies of their Matric results, whereas all applicants need to provide academic transcripts for the preceding 12 months of study. If applicable, proof of disability should be provided in the form of a medical or doctor's letter. Applicants are required to send an email to with the subject line: ICT Bursary.